Thursday, 20 June 2013

Bye bye Budapest

9:04am - I'm overheating packing my bag. I hate to think what its going to be like carrying it! 
I've somehow got to fit in an extra pair of shoes, a hoody and jeans. No idea how thats going to happen
9:56am - just about finished packing and managed to fit everything in. Alex wanted a plaster so I had to unpack everything just to get one for him. I wouldn't have bothered if he hadn't been so good looking... I gave him my email address because he said he wanted to email me a  photo he took last night.  If everyone I share a room with is as nice as him then I'll be happy
11:02 I am on what I hope is the train to Vienna. The trains here are the ones you have to step up to. I almost fell over backwards due to my rather large rucksack. I sat down in a 4 seat with a table,  perfect for looking out the window when I discovered some of the seats on the train where reserved, which was indicated by a screen above the seat. I looked at the guys who was sitting on the other side of the aisle, as I heard him say his was a reserved seat. I looked at mine and it said ggf. Reservist. I walked down the carriage and noticed they all said the same. I stopped and asked the guy what it mean. He said it meant its maybe reserved. By this time, someone had taken my perfect seat. I ended up in a two seat with a window bar in the way. As I right this, I'm still not sure I'm on the right train. Too late now though - its 11:12 and the train just left
12:11 I was on the right train. Now however I am on a bus. Bridge blockage apparently. We stopped at a station and I noticed every single person was getting off. I asked a random boy what was going on and he said we had to get a replacement bus. So I am now on that bus. It is packed and there is no air con. I'm just glad I was paying attention on tje train or I would have been sitting there a looong time. I wish I could remember more of my german from GCSE as it is a language alot of people are speaking. At least I know more German than I did hungarian. No more fizzy/non-fizzy mishaps (hopefully)
1:24pm back on the lovely air conditioner train thank god! This time I have a screen to tell me when to get off. I also have a table and window seat! Sucess!

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