Wednesday, 26 June 2013

An afternoon in Salzburg

I had bratwurst mit pomme frites for lunch at a cafe at the bottom of the hill. Because I walked up and because my ticket included it I got the funicular back down from the castle. I wizzed round the rest of my Salzburg walking tour, passing lots of beautiful buildings and Mozarts birth place. The walk took me back across a pedestrian bridge.  This bridge had loads of padlocks with couples names on locked to the sides. The bridge had a fence, all the dots you can see in the picture are padlocks. There must have been hundreds.

I went back through mirabell gardens and took some photos for your benefit and got some people to take some of me for my benefit. I was wizzing round mainly because I wanted time to see the trick fountains at Schloß Hellbrun. That is where I am headed as I write this. Its not quite walking distance so I'm on the bus.

I got on the right number bus but heading in the wrong direction originally.  The lady driving the bus was getting more and more worked up as she tried over and over to tell me I needed the other side of the road. I had understood her the first time but I couldn't get off the bus because she had shut the door so she thought I was confused. When she eventually realised that I was telling her I understood,  she opened the doors and let me off.

I am now on the right bus in the right direction with the same driver.


The Hellbrun palace trick fountains are definitely worth a visit if you're in Salzburg and don't mind getting a bit wet. They are very clever seeing as they were built in the 17th Century. There is a 'theatre' with 150 moving figures, which represented a town, all run by one water pump. One of the figures was a cow being hit on the head with and axe by another figure and its front legs buckling. The Palace is quite beautiful aswell, although nowhere near as big as Schloß Schönbrunn. But it was quite nice to do the audio tour, during which I learnt that if you want to catch a unicorn,  you have to lead a virgin deep into the woods and wait until the unicorn lays its head in her lap, because then it is tame.

The sun is attempting to make an appearance but it is still not particularly warm. I've been in Austria twice now and have not yet tried 'Schnitzel'. Maybe I should have it for dinner...


  1. Gardens are lovely but can we see pictures of you too? Almost forgotten what you look lik,e =)

    Glad to hear the coat wasn't a waste of money, it will be better in croatia, lovely and warm here today xx

    PS just seen the one of you, that is you with the big ears and the red tongue, right?


  2. You are hilarious. I looked up the weather forecast for Bled and its meant to rain the whole time I'm there :(

    How is your holiday going? X
