Thursday, 4 July 2013

Zadar 2

I sat on the sea organ steps, shirt open, bikini on show, tummy out, eating mini chocolate croissants,  surrounded by tour groups. They looked very disapproving. I would have taken my shirt off by the sun was attempting to shine right at my sunburn and it is painful enough as it is.

Whilst I was just sitting Santa showed up. No joke. He had a hat on and everything. When he went near the sea it fell off though,  as you can see in the picture. I also saw a dog with dreadlocks and beads in its tail.

I attempted to go in the sea, but the waves were ferocious and every time I tried I just got pushed back up the steps. It was either that or have them break over my head. People who went in the sea had to be dragged out when they wanted to get out.

I gave up and started getting changed. I was covering myself with a towel using one hand and trying to take off my bikini with the other.  Then some woman turned up, sat pretty much right on top of me and kept watching me. It was bad enough that the wind was trying to make me flash the world but she didn't need to look at me. I felt quite uncomfortable.

I got lunch and went back to the hostel. It was about 2pm by this time. I decided I was going to have a shower. Then I was like 'hold on, I want to swim' so I got redressed and headed down to the actual beach. I realised two things whilst I was there. One, I am a massive wimp. People had been jumping off the side into the sea this morning, even little kids and I just didn't want to coz it would hurt my eyes. Two,  I am an awful swimmer. I was really struggling and going absolutely nowhere when I eventually got in. When I got out I watched some saggy stomached old man get into the sea and power around. If we were racing he would have probably lapped me three times. I definitely need to become a better swimmer.

After I got home and showered I had a fishfinger sandwich and packed my stuff ready for moving on tomorrow. I have 7 kuna left to spend tonight,  which is about the equivalent of £1. Maybe a bit less. I don't think I'll be able to get any cocktails for that.

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